Employment is a key step in recovery 

LakeCity Employment is a free service that helps persons 19 years of age and older living with mental illness secure meaningful employment and a sustainable income.

Employment support staff will work with clients to overcome barriers that may prevent them from entering the workforce. Clients will receive access to job postings, work readiness skills, options for volunteering and educational opportunities. All services are client-centered and based on an individual's goals.  

For individuals not ready to connect to the job market, but are looking to take a step toward job readiness, a variety of on-site work activities are available at LakeCity Works. These opportunities could include participating in the making of fire starters, our wood-shop, production of survey stakes, retail store, janitorial services, canteen and restoring computers.  


Services for clients include:

  • Advocacy

  • Career counselling

  • Job development

  • On-site job coaching

  • On-site skills assessments

  • Pre-employment workshops (including computer basics, job search training, practice interviews and resume/cover letter writing)

  • Referrals to complementary programs and services

  • Educational upgrading

  • Work experience opportunities

For Employers:

There are many benefits to the employer who invests in hiring an individual supported by LakeCity Employment: encouraging diversity and inclusion, reducing the stigmas around mental illness, accommodating employees to ensure maximum productivity, increased job satisfaction of workers, less absenteeism, increased productivity, less staff turnover, and lower payroll costs. 

  • Hiring: We connect aspiring workers with mental illness with employers looking to build an inclusive workforce. 

  • Support: We assist clients so that they are well versed in workplace culture, policies, services and standards – reducing the use of employer’s resources. 

  • Education: We collaborate with employers to ensure workers living with mental illness (and their allies) benefit from the supports and educational tools required to maintain their mental health, productivity and well-being.

Ready to Work with us?

Click here to download a PDF version of our Client Referral Form, or fill out the online form.

To know more, please email us at employment@lakecityworks.ca.


In Their OWn Words…